Meet the people of AutoStore
"성별 균형이 모든 직장에서 중요하다는 것은 의심의 여지가 없습니다. 성별 균형은 직장 내 소통과 업무 환경을 개선하고 모두에게 더 넓은 시각을 제공합니다."
«모든 판매자의 꿈은 번거롭지 않은 제품을 제공하는 것입니다. 가동 시간이 99.7%인 시스템으로 작업하는 것은 매우 재미있습니다.»
«We have a dynamic culture that may not have arisen in many places other than in the secluded western fjords.»
«What attracted me was that it was a very cool product. Very simple, but very efficient.»
«When you find a unicorn, you just stick to it.»
«I had never heard of it before, but the combination of mechanics and electronics was very exciting.»
«What makes AutoStore stand out is the passion of the people working here.»
«What attracted me in AutoStore was, I guess, the idea of a whole system.»
«We are very passionate about our people.»
«We have a culture where we really empower people.»
«I think the people are really the biggest difference»
«You rely on your teammates, it's ok to mess up.»
«The culture in AutoStore is really great, and it's very flat-structured, typically Norwegian.»
«It's an exciting technology, and it's an exciting product.»
«You are in the team like an employee, but you're in the team like a family.»
«In general, AutoStore is a great company to join as a student.»
«We are very fast paced, there's a lot of things going on.»
«It's a very exciting time to be in the company. The growth is almost literally exploding.»
«We share ideas, and that's a good thing. That makes fun every day.»
«The culture in AutoStore is very special.»
“The bots, the bins and the brains behind the automation is nothing without the brilliant people who built it.”
“The Cube control software is the absolute key in the AutoStore system. Without the software the robots would simply not move. So someone has to tell them where to go, which bins to move and in which sequence, and so on.”
"Making space for incredible is helping me and my team in our daily work, by making space in our heads. Changing our mindset and approach from: “It’s not possible, to let’s try it!!” "
"What I really like about working in AutoStore is to get to work in a team where everyone wants to contribute to reach the company goals."
"All of the megatrends are supporting a world of more automation, and a world of more AutoStore."
AutoStore can fit any warehouse or fulfillment center.Make yours the next.