Frequently Asked Questions Bins


What is the maximum weight a Bin can hold?

Maximum load today is 30 kg (66 lbs).

Is it possible to have different AutoStore Bin sizes in one Grid?

No, mixing different Bin sizes is not supported by AutoStore.

However, movable dividers offer the most efficient and flexible solution. They allow customers to easily create various-sized compartments in Bins and fully utilize the maximum internal storage volume.

Are the Bins ESD (electrostatic discharge) secured?

We have three Bin materials available in the 220-, 330-, and 425-mm sizes: 

  • Anti-static: PP-ESD (black)
  • Static/Standard: HDPE or PP-C (grey)

Are the Bins waterproof/leak-proof?

Yes. The Bins are made of highly durable materials, and are designed with no perforations to the structure of the Bin. This means items inside the Bin are protected from water damage if fire sprinklers are activated for example, or if any items inside the BIn leak due to damaged packing, etc. the contents are contained inside and unable to leak out onto the Grid.

Is it possible to put different products into one Bin?

Yes. AutoStore™ Bins are also prepared for the usage of physical and adjustable dividers which insert into the Bin to create multiple compartments (up to 32). It is up to the WMS to administrate and maintain the content of the Bins (stock/SKU).

Is it possible to put heavier loads into the Bin than the maximum 30 kg (66 lbs)? How does the system deal with this?

No, this could cause errors in the system. Sensors at the port will keep the system from accepting an overweight Bin.

Is it possible to remove a Bin from the Grid at the filling/picking station?

It is possible to take Bins out of the system at "transfer" ports, but the Bins need to be handled in a controlled, closed environment (e.g. a conveyor loop) to reduce risk of Bin damage.

How do you remove faulty Bins without stopping the system?

With the AutoStore Bin ResQ Robot, AutoStore super users (advanced trained users) can quickly retrieve overfilled or faulty Bins without physically entering the Grid. The system will continue running while Bins are being retrieved. This allows you to reduce the mean time to repair/recovery (MTTR) and achieve higher system availability. 

What are the inner dimensions of the Bins?

Approximate inside dimensions:

  • 220 mm Bin (Small): 600 x 400 x 200 mm (23.6 x 15.75 x 7.9 in)
  • 330 mm Bin (Medium): 600 x 400 x 310 mm (23.6 x 15.75 x 12.2 in)
  • 425 mm Bin (Tall): 600 x 400 x 400 mm (23.6 x 15.75 x 15.75 in)

Can all Robot models handle and transport every Bin size?

All models are designed to handle and transport the 220 mm and 330 mm Bins. The R5+ and R5 Pro + models are also designed for handling and  transporting the largest 425 mm Bins.

How many levels of Bins can the system handle?

The maximum number is determined by the Bin size used in the system:

  • 220 mm Bin x 26 levels
  • 330 mm Bin x 18 levels
  • 425 mm Bin x 14 levels

Which additional products are better suited for the increased bin size of 425 mm?

Key products accommodated with the taller 425 mm Bins are footwear and semiconductors.

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