
Automatisierte, KI-gestützte Roboter-Kommissionier-Workstation-Lösung.

Behalten Sie den Betrieb mit automatisierter Roboterkommissionierung im Griff.

E-Commerce und Kundenabwicklung müssen heute schneller, besser und effizienter sein als je zuvor. In einem volatilen Arbeitsmarkt sind die Betriebsabläufe aufgrund der überwältigenden Nachfrage und der steigenden Kundenerwartungen überlastet.

Die automatische Roboterkommissionierung bietet Leistung und Konsistenz rund um die Uhr, sodass Ihr Team mehr Zeit hat, sich an höherwertigen Aufgaben zu kümmern. Und es sind keine Pausen oder Überstundenvergütungen erforderlich.

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Always optimized picking efficiency.

CarouselAI provides consistent, reliable picking, with uninterrupted performance of up to 650 items/hour, for 16 hours or more.

Advanced self-learning capabilities streamline operations by automatically adapting to new SKUs and inventory changes without human intervention.

  • Get instant live status & incident reports.
  • Predict maintenance needs to avoid unnecessary downtime.
  • Automated analytics & recommendations.

Streamlined operation with no manual data input

  • New SKUs don't need manual data input or training

Advanced AI with real-time optimizaton

  • Fuses real-time sensor data with advanced AI models.
  • Learns and optimize handling for different weights, textures, packaging, etc.

High precision with visual data

  • Primary Perception Module offers advanced visual data analysis.
  • Increased accuracy when selecting items from Bins.
  • Optimize grasping points for different SKUs to reduce errors such as double-picking or dropped items.

How it works

CarouselAI combines our popular CarouselPort with an automated robotic piece picking arm. Powered by advanced AI technology, it leverages real-time sensor data and visual data analysis to adapt and learn.

Click on the diagram below to learn more about the components.

Verbesserte Effizienz- und Produktivitätsfunktionen.

Extend operations without adding headcount or additional shifts for workers, while reducing costs for more efficient peak demand operations.

Technical Specifications


L: 2.9 m / W: 2.3 m / H: 2.5 m



Avg. weight distribution


Inbound Container Specification

Zwischenebene: 500 Bins pro Stunde
Bodenebene: 400 Bins pro Stunde

Regional availability

Europe & North America

Picking throughput

650 units per hour
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Decorative icon. Icon displaying a red arrow pointing downwards. Symbolizing that it is possible to download an asset when clicking the button.

Our innovation is at your service

Consumer behavior has changed; supply chains have not. Let's talk today to see how a CarouselPort can enhance productivity and maintain rapid order fulfillment for customers.