Q1 Results 2024

Dear visitor: Please note that the content on this page will continue to evolve in the following weeks.


Comments from our CEO

“AutoStore continues to perform well. In the first quarter of 2024, we were pleased to generate USD 183 million of new orders, a 12% increase, and the third consecutive quarter with sequential improvement in order intake", said CEO Mats Hovland Vikse.

The growth in order intake was particularly driven by large high throughput systems. Market activity was high in the consumer goods sector, in addition to third-party logistics and automotive.

Documents & Links


AutoStore: Invitation to presentation of the first quarter 2024 financial results

(Nedre Vats, 18 April 2024): AutoStore Holdings Ltd (AutoStore: OSE:AUTO) invites investors, analysts and journalists to join the presentation of the first quarter 2024 financial results on Thursday 25 April 2024 at 08:00 CEST via a live webcast and earnings call.

Reporting day program (CET)

06:00 - Announcement of the first quarter 2024 financial results. All material will be made available on www.newsweb.no and www.autostoresystem.com.

08:00 - Presentation will be held only via live webcast and earnings call. The presentation will be hosted by Mats Hovland Vikse, CEO, and Paul Harrison, CFO. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.

The presentation will be broadcasted live at https://www.autostoresystem.com/investors, and can also be streamed at https://channel.royalcast.com/landingpage/hegnarmedia/20240425_6/

It will be possible to send in written questions through the webcast player. In addition, we invite analysts to ask questions live at the end of the presentation by using the raise-hand feature in Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft Teams link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YzQxOWYwYzItMDc1OC00MjNkLTk5MDktNTEwM2IyNjg5ZmE2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%226f6d5d78-35df-4e19-83aa-7efcf9b475bc%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%222475081b-3683-4421-90d7-20303166e40e%22%7d

Meeting-ID: 322 254 058 093

Password: z6KZmH

For further information, please contact:

Jo Christian Lund-Steigedal, Investor Relations, AutoStore AS
Telephone: +47 41508733 | Info.ir@autostoresystem.com

About AutoStore

AutoStoreT, founded in 1996, is a technology company that develops order -fulfillment solutions to help businesses achieve efficiency gains within the storage and retrieval of goods. The company offers both hardware and software capabilities and the AutoStore technology is interoperable with other third -party solutions.

AutoStore is global, with ~1,400 Systems in 54 countries. All sales are distributed, designed, installed, and serviced by a network of qualified system integrators referred to as "partners".

AutoStore was founded in Nedre Vats, on the west coast of Norway. The company has offices in Norway, the U.S., UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Austria, South Korea, Japan, Australia, and Singapore, as well as assembly facilities in Poland.


Investor Relations Contact

Hiva Flåskjer

SVP Investor Relations
+47 95 86 67 90hiva.flaskjer@autostoresystem.com

Nili Eslah

Investor Relations Manager
+47 45 66 26 64nili.eslah@autostoresystem.com